CSA Bouquet Subscriptions 2025
All Season Monthly Blooms
Summer Blossoms Bi-weekly
Dazzling Dahlias August 4 Weeks
Where Gnomes Roam and Flowers Grow
Here at Florwegian Flower Farm we are dedicated to growing the most beautiful flowers we can in a sustainable way that works with nature. Our mission is to grow and provide high quality blooms in a space that merges with nature and enhances the ecosystem in which our farm finds its home. Success to Florwegian Flower Farm means a sea of colorful pristine blooms accompanied by the lively buzz and flutter of pollinators of all kinds. Welcome to our journey and to the field where gnomes roam and flowers grow.
The Who and the What!
The Who!
Hello! My name is Megan and if you haven’t guessed by now I love growing flowers. I grew up on a farm helping garden many flowers and vegetables and fruits with my Mom and my Grandfather which has instilled the need to grow and nurture plants deep in my heart. After finishing my schooling for horticulture I decided it was time to just dive right in and start my dream of owning my own flower farm. I thank God and my amazing supportive family for helping this dream align so perfectly! I have already learned so much and met so many wonderful people on this journey and I am certain that this adventure has just begun!
The What!
The products and services we offer:
Various CSA flower subscription packages
Custom arrangements and bouquets
Full service wedding flowers
DIY bulk wedding and event buckets of flowers
Wholesale Florist sales
Dried flowers - bulk, arrangements, art, and more
Garden consultation, planning, and guidance
Various farmers markets